Library News
Summer Events June 23rd – June 29th
We're halfway through the summer! Join us for a special Humanities Kansas program and slime! Sunday, June 23rd at 2 pm - Humanities Kansas: Kansas Folktales and Legends with Jim Hoy. Monday, June 24th from 4 - 5 pm - Crocheting with Carmen. Ages 8 & up. Tuesday,...
Summer Events June 16th – June 22nd
Halfway through the summer! Join us for the Sedgwick County Zoo and Marty the Magician. Monday, June 17th from 4 - 5 pm - Crocheting with Carmen. Ages 8 & up. Monday, June 17th from 4 - 6 pm - Silent Book Club. Bring whatever book you happen to be reading and read...
Summer Events June 9th – 15th
Join us for science and gardening fun this week!
Summer Events June 2nd – June 8th
Summer events are starting at the library! Join us for adventurous summer reading!
Adventure Begins at Your Library! – Summer Reading Program starts May 20th
The Chanute Public Library is gearing up for another summer filled with adventure and imagination.
Read away fines at the Library over the summer
Starting May 20th, Chanute Public Library patrons can read away their fines at the library over the summer months.
Director’s Newsletter
Spring bingo, update on the chocolate sale, and more!
March Events
If you’re looking for Spring Break activities, look no further than at your local library! Join us for some fun events during Spring Break and the rest of this month!
Director’s Newsletter
We are getting ready for our annual Everything Chocolate Sale on Wednesday, February 14th! Also looking forward to a local author book signing, a new book club and more!