The Chanute Public Library is gearing up for another summer filled with adventure and imagination. Every year, the library hosts its popular summer reading program. This year’s theme is “Adventure Begins at Your Library.”

The library will also host numerous events for children, teens, and adults. From weekly story times and crafts to magicians, jugglers, and more, there’s something for everyone to enjoy. During the summer, participants will also have a chance to read books and earn rewards along the way. For children and teens who finish their summer reading goals, they will be rewarded with a free book, t-shirt, and swim party at the Maring Aquatic Center in August.

“Our goal is to make summer reading as fun as possible for as many people as possible,” Jeana Lawrence, library director, said. “We have lots of fun activities planned and we can’t wait to get started.”

Summer reading kicks off May 28th and ends July 20th. Participants can sign up for summer reading at the library and is open to all residents. For more information, please visit or call the library.